Integrate Powerful Hemp Cannabinoids into your Healthcare Practice

Did you know that plant cannabinoids can positively influence human health through the endocannabinoid system?
Learn from leading cannabis clinician Bonni Goldstein, MD and grow your practice revenues through our high-quality, hemp marketplace while providing an exclusive medical discount to your patients.
Our professional curriculum and curated marketplace are built upon Dr. Goldstein's 35 years of clinical experience, serving over 20,000 medical cannabis patients with a broad range of conditions including chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, and more.

Learn from leading cannabis clinician Bonni Goldstein, MD. Our curriculum includes the latest research, evidence-based videos and webinars, forums, and powerful tools for tailoring patient-specific cannabinoid regimens.
Accelerate positive patient outcomes with our proprietary cannabinoid regimen algorithms for over 20 conditions, including pain, sleep and anxiety.
Grow your practice revenues by recommending lab-tested, professional-grade hemp cannabinoid products from our marketplace, with an exclusive medical discount for your patients.
Use the Goldstein Wellness Cannabinoid Regimen algorithms to accelerate your path to clinical success.
ADHD Anxiety Autism Autoimmune Disorders Cancer Dementia Depression Fibromyalgia Gastrointestinal Disorders Inflammatory Pain Insomnia Menopause Menstrual Pain/Endometriosis Migraine Pain Mixed Pain Nausea/Vomiting Neuropathic Pain Opioid/Substance Dependence PTSD Seizure Disorder Skin Disorders Spasticity Tics/Tourette Traumatic Brain Injury
The hemp industry is confusing. Healthcare professionals and their patients need access to safe, lab-tested products. Our trusted vendors have supplied Dr. Goldstein’s practice for over a decade with effective, professional-grade products.
  Full access to our marketplace with revenue sharing and medical discount
  Free live webinars
  Access to our Cannabinoid Regimen algorithm for one condition of your choice
  Introductory cannabinoid medicine video course
Get started  
  Full access to our product marketplace with revenue sharing and medical discount
  Full access to live webinars and webinar recordings
  Access to our Cannabinoid Regimen algorithm for all 24 conditions
  Full access to community forums where Dr. Goldstein and her medical staff provide real-time clinical guidance
  Opt-in to patient referrals from our platform
  Comprehensive Medical Cannabis course with over 20 hours of course videos
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Are you a group practice or a non-U.S. resident interested in full access to Goldstein Wellness?
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With over 30 years of unwavering commitment to her patients, Bonni Goldstein MD has tirelessly cared for those who struggle with refractory conditions, offering hope and compassion.

As a staunch advocate for medical cannabis, she champions this natural treatment as it is not only safe and well-tolerated, but also consistently demonstrates efficacy in improving patients' quality of life. Through her extensive experience and dedication, she continues to fight for quality products and patient access, ensuring that every patient receives the personalized care they deserve.


K.B. (mother)
Our daughter was born with a severe seizure disorder and after many failed drug therapies, we decided to try cannabis.

In the first year we saw a 70% reduction in seizures (no pill ever gave that kind of relief to her) and we saw an amazing improvement in her overall health. The only regret we have about cannabis is not using it first. Today she’s almost 13 and has an 85% reduction in seizures.
- K.B. (mother)
I.B. (patient)
I have been fortunate to be a patient of Dr. Bonni Goldstein. She is a well known author and mentor to many physicians worldwide.

I have severe bone-on-bone knee osteoarthritis and every step I took was painful. Through Dr. Goldstein’s expertise I started CBDA treatment and now I can walk without pain.
- I.B. (patient)
S.B. (mother)
Cannabinoids have been lifesaving for Sadie.

I know we're never really out of the woods but she hasn't had a seizure since August, she sleeps 12-15 hours/night, and she is the happiest and most social we've ever seen her, thanks in large part to Dr. Goldstein’s care.
- S.B. (mother)
Leigh Vinocur MD, MS
I was lucky enough to have Dr. Goldstein as a mentor. Not only is she the top pediatric cannabis physician in the country, she is an exemplary teacher too.

I have taken most of her courses and attended a number of her lectures. Her many years of clinical practice and research add a very valuable insight. I highly recommend taking her courses or going to any conference where she has been invited to speak.
- Leigh Vinocur MD, MS


Understanding tolerance is crucial for optimizing patient treatment outcomes. Mechanism of action as well as signs of tolerance and mitigation strategies are reviewed in this article.
Confused about RSO or FECO oil? Dr. Bonni answers all of your questions about this highly concentrated and potent preparation of cannabinoid compounds.
Can cannabinoids enhance your sexual experience? You may be surprised by the latest research on this highly controversial topic that delves into cannabinoids effects on intimacy and sexual pleasure.