Medical Essentials

Education     Medical Essentials
Ready to earn your Goldstein Wellness Clinical Cannabis Certificate? This evidence-based course offers 19 video lessons in 5 dynamic modules, giving you a powerful foundation in clinical cannabis. Complete these video lessons and join two live webinars with Dr. Goldstein to get certified and take your expertise to the next level!
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Basic Science of the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system has been described as essential to life. In this video, Dr. Goldstein explains the history and fundamentals of the endocannabinoid system, focusing on its components and mechanism of action.
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This video continues our discussion of the endocannabinoid system, with a deep dive into its interactions and effects on neurotransmitters, the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system and other organ systems.
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Major Phytocannabinoids and Terpenes

Did you know that CBD acts on over 75 different targets in the human brain and body? This video takes a deep dive into its main mechanisms of action, outlining how CBD provides its many therapeutic properties.
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This video continues our discussion of CBD, focusing on its many clinical trials and real-world applications.
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Learn about the science behind the therapeutic effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  This video takes a deep dive into its specific mechanisms of action, both within the endocannabinoid system and at its non-cannabinoid targets.  
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This video continues our discussion of THC, focusing on its clinical applications as a safe and effective medicinal compound.
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Cannabigerol (CBG) is now considered to be a major cannabinoid with a multitude of therapeutic benefits. This video reviews the most recent research on this non-impairing cannabinoid, highlighting its potential therapeutic properties.
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This video explains terpenes and flavonoids, cannabis plant compounds which add to the therapeutic effects of full-and broad-spectrum cannabinoid products.
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Minor Phytocannabinoids

Cannabidivarin (CBDV), a non-impairing cannabinoid, has been the focus of research over the past few years, especially for neurological conditions. In this video, Dr. Bonn reviews its known mechanisms of action and potential therapeutic benefits.
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Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) has become a favorite cannabinoid for many, due to its potent anti-inflammatory effects and non-impairing nature. In this video, Dr. Bonni does a deep dive in to its mechanisms of actions and promising therapeutic effects.
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Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is the precursor compound to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Initially thought to be inactive, research shows many therapeutic actions. This video reviews the current understanding of this non-impairing cannabinoid.
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Cannabinol (CBN), the first cannabinoid to be discovered, is the metabolite that results from the oxidation of THC. It has been the focus of a number of research investigations documenting its potential value which are reviewed in this video.
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Safety and Cautions

It is essential to be well-informed about the safety and adverse effects of cannabinoids. In this informative video, Dr. Bonni sheds light on these issues and also addresses specific situation where caution is necessary. 
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Concomitant use of cannabinoid compounds with other medications may lead to cannabinoid-drug interactions. This video module reviews the latest information on these interactions, providing guidance for clinical decision-making. 
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Explore the safety concerns surrounding Delta-8-THC and other hemp-derived derivatives flooding the unregulated market. Join Dr. Bonni as she provides the latest insights and potential risks associated with these products.
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Clinical Focus

Cannabinoids can be administered in many different methods: inhalation, sublingual, enteral, topical, and others. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are reviewed in this video.
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In this video, Dr. Bonni ties together the latest research and her clinical experience to provide the essentials of cannabinoid dosing to allow you to achieve optimal results, ensure safety and help others attain their desired effects. 
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In this video, Dr. Bonni shares how to approach the history for patients who are interested in using cannabis medicine, sharing clinical insights designed to support practitioners in their decision-making process.
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This video delves into the nuances of cannabis medicine products, outlining the various ratios, concentrations, and clinical pearls crucial to designing a beneficial and optimized regimen.
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